Biodiversity Blair Bioblitz 2024

A chance to record all local species to help further biodiversity

Please see details of events/activities here.

Everything is free, but you can help us out by signing up in advance so we get an idea of numbers.

Please add your details below and select the activities you'd like to take part in (we will email details of what you booked):

Why Not Scotland Film & Debate - 8pm to 9.40pm Friday 21 June (St Catharine's Centre)
Bat Walk - 9.50pm to 11pm Friday 21 June (Riverside)
Dawn Chorus - 4.15am to 5.15am Saturday 22 June (Riverside)
A wealth of Wildlife Presentation - Alan Stewart - 10am to 11am Saturday 22 June (St Catharines)
Guided Exploration - 10am to 10.20am (Wellmeadow)
Walk on the Wildside - 10am to 11am Saturday 22 June (Wellmeadow)
Scottish Beavers Talk - 11.30am to 12.30pm Saturday 22 June (St Catharines)
Bumble Bee Recognition - 11.30am to 12.30pm Saturday 22 June (Wellmeadow)
Worm Charming - 12.30pm to 1.30pm Saturday 22 June (Wellmeadow)
Wildlife Photography - Walk - 1pm to 2pm Saturday 22 June (Wellmeadow)
Guided Exploration - 1.30pm to 1.50pm (Wellmeadow)
Red Squirrel preservation talk - 1.30pm to 2.30pm Saturday 22 June (St Catharines)
Bird Ramble - 2pm to 5pm Saturday 22 June (Wellmeadow)
Wildlife Detective Presentation - Alan Stewart - 3pm to 4pm Saturday 22 June (St Catharines)

Please email if you would like to find out more about our activities or if you would like to help.

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