Happy to Chat, Happy to Listen

Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Support

Updated: 16:36 Tuesday 18 February - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This listing is managed by: treasurer@happytochathappytolisten.co.uk and is a free listing made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings .

Happy to Chat, Happy to Listen


Happy to Chat, Happy to Listen (H2CH2L), are the local community Charity with responsibility for maintaining the 3 Bench Trails around Blairgowrie, Rattray and the Cateran trail.

We are also spearheading the drive to bring Third Sector Services into the area to provide one-to-one counselling for anyone who wants to use this service without the need to travel to either Perth or Dundee.

In addition, we also run the "Cuppa and Cake" drop-in service at the BaRI building every Monday, between 11am and 1pm. This is open to anyone.

We now also run a similar drop-in at Kirkmichael Session House, called Blether 'n' a Brew, on a Thursday between 10.30pm and 12:30pm.

There is another Blether 'n' a Brew on Friday's from 3pm to 5pm at Strathmore Community Hub.

Light Refreshments are provided at each of our Drop-Ins.


Mental Health First Aid Training


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